

Yuri Pattison | Sebastian Lloyd Rees

14 June - 19 June 2016




mother’s tankstation limited LISTE 21
Yuri Pattison, Sebastian Lloyd Rees
June 2016

Sebastian Lloyd Rees “…short, medium and long-term” (2010 – 2081)
Industrial paint, paper, wood
200 x 127 cm

Sebastian Lloyd Rees “…short, medium and long-term” (2010 – 2025)
Industrial paint, paper, wood
200 x 122 cm

Sebastian Lloyd Rees “…short, medium and long-term” (2010 – 2016)
Industrial paint, paper, wood
200 x 125 cm

Sebastian Lloyd Rees “…short, medium and long-term” (2010 – 2047)
Industrial paint, paper, wood
200 x 200 cm

mother’s tankstation limited LISTE 21
Yuri Pattison, Sebastian Lloyd Rees
June 2016

mother’s tankstation limited LISTE 21
Yuri Pattison
June 2016

Yuri Pattison Sleepless Synonyms, Sleepless Antonyms (January desk : remove the blue, MIThenge, melatonin) (detail)
Modified flatpack work table, Plexiglas, LightJet print on Fuji Clear, tape, Samsung Transparent LCD Module LTI220MT02, Saffron Drift TV pre-production prototype, Raspberry Pi 2 Model B, USB storage with video file (MIThenge 31/01/16 by Misha Sra), cable ties, cables, 3D print, dust cover, LED panel, electroluminescent sheet, plastic beaker, Sweet Dreams melatonin E-Liquid, USB vaporiser
150 x 115 x 57cm

Yuri Pattison Sleepless Synonyms, Sleepless Antonyms (January desk : remove the blue, MIThenge, melatonin) (detail)
Modified flatpack work table, Plexiglas, LightJet print on Fuji Clear, tape, Samsung Transparent LCD Module LTI220MT02, Saffron Drift TV pre-production prototype, Raspberry Pi 2 Model B, USB storage with video file (MIThenge 31/01/16 by Misha Sra), cable ties, cables, 3D print, dust cover, LED panel, electroluminescent sheet, plastic beaker, Sweet Dreams melatonin E-Liquid, USB vaporiser
150 x 115 x 57cm

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